Making the goddess Sigourney look like an idiot is hard work, too.Ģ) "I inevitably think of Alien, which, despite being a Lovecraftian thriller." This characterization always surprises/confuses me. Whenever I think of a crew of Traveller PCs, I think of these guys.ġ) My god, what a terrible publicity still!! Those folks look like IDIOTS posing like that. The bulk of the cast are in their late 30s or older and they all have the looks of people who've been around the block a few times - and not on heroic adventures in pursuit of a noble cause. I defy anyone to find a group of cinematic characters who look more like they could have been generated using the rules in the 1977 little black books. Take a look at that publicity still at the top of this post. One of the more prosaic reasons I believe this is because I associate the film so strongly with Marc Miller's Traveller RPG.
Whenever I think of science fiction, I inevitably think of Alien, which, despite being a Lovecraftian thriller, is, for me, one of the quintessential science fiction movies of the last quarter of the 20th century. Plus, as a genre, fantasy is so much more expansive than sci-fi, so it can scratch a lot of different itches simultaneously, whereas SF has splintered into dozens of hermetically sealed sub-genres that make it a more difficult sell in the abstract than fantasy. Fantasy is the lingua franca of our hobby and always has been. I write so much about fantasy because I've played so much more of it. As I've no doubt stated on this blog ad nauseam, science fiction is actually my preferred genre of literature, cinema, and roleplaying.
For reasons that will become obvious fairly soon, my attention over the last few days has temporarily shifted away from fantasy to science fiction.